Wednesday, May 03, 2006

best friends-A Great Mystery

These two girls just turned 19 one day apart. Why they are holding up their keys, I don't know. They have been best friends since they were 12 and have always dressed alike-unplanned. They even put up their hair the same on given days. One day my daughter, Ally, the one on the left, had hers in Indian braids and sure enough Katie comes over to our house with Indian braids sporting the same outfit, of course as Ally. They both have on the baggy shorts and hooded sweats with the college logos and their shoes are exactly the same. Even the decision to wear socks or not is the same. It has always freaked me out-It is always happening. I have decided to take a picture every time I see the two of them together-for proof. P.S. The time before this they both had on gouchos and the exact same top but different colors with the same flip-flops of different color but same design. P.P.S. They both have enough clothes to dress an army.
P.P.P.S. They claim they don't plan it.


paulmerrill said...

Yay for best friends!

heidi said...

I just don't think two people could look any happier here.

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