Saturday, February 18, 2006

city street in downtown milwaukee

a city street in milwaukee, wisconsin-doesn't the architecture remind you of a german city? although the flag on the right lets you know it's not. there is a skywalk about a block down-can you see it? it looks like an enclosed bridge. skywalks are popular in northern cities because it gets bitter cold up here. today, again, it's zero degrees.


Rob said...

great picture!

heidi said...

thanks. I have off on Monday-President's Day-do you know which presidents? um...who cares-I have the day off.

heidi said...

thanks, karine. i couldn't resist looking it up-it's lincoln's and washington's but not on the same day. the holiday also honors other presidents since the date doesn't fall under any one's real birthday.

Andreea said...

hey heidi, just discovered the blog - will link you in mine as well. great shot - enjoy Monday off :)